Hello everyone! With the end of December coming quicker than I expected, I decided to take a look back on this year and share it with you guys! This year was full of a bunch of amazing events, but also a lot of bad ones. Overall, to be completely honest with you guys, this year sucked- at least up until I went to College. So, let's get started with the beginning of this year!
Around January of this year, I got the awesome opportunity to go down to Florida and go to Disney with my High School band and choir. This trip was awesome, aside from being stuck in West Virginia for twelve hours. Yes, you heard me correctly. Twelve.Hours. There was a snow storm on our way down to Florida, so we had to stay at a rest stop until they told us that the roads were open again. We made the best of it, but it did push our schedule back and gave us one less day in Disney. Which sucked. I spent most of the time with my two best friends at the time and we went on every ride we could go on. The one had motion sickness, so we couldn't go on everything unfortunately. It was an awesome trip over all though and I absolutely loved it there and would definitely go back over and over again.

Nothing too interesting happened in between the Disney trip and around May of this year, other than getting my first car! Yes, I have a PT Cruiser and I absolutely love it! I had a bunch of problems with it when we first got it, but we got it all fixed up within a month of having it. I haven't had any problems with it since and hopefully I won't again-knock on wood. Along with getting my car, I also got my temps, finally. Yes, I'm 19 and I still don't have my license. Don't judge, it wasn't my choice.

Now like I said, nothing too interesting happened in between the Disney trip and May. In May, I had my senior Prom! I thought it was great and so much fun, until I found out my boyfriend at the time, which I'm obviously not dating anymore, used me for Prom because he knew he wouldn't be able to find another date. I didn't find this out right away, I found it out a few weeks later. But, aside from a stupid High School relationship, it was pretty fun hanging out with all my friends one last time before I graduated.
A week after Prom, I graduated! Yay! It was the best thing in the world to me since I absolutely hated my High School and most of the people who went there. I'm pretty sure everyone says that once they get into College, but oh well. The ceremony was long and boring just like every other High School, but walking across that stage and feeling freedom from that place was the greatest thing in the world! No tears of sadness from this girl! I was happy to graduate.
Not much happened during the summer. In fact, summer was the worst time for me. After my boyfriend dumped me-which I have no idea why I was so upset about it, he was a dick- my world kind of crumbled and fell apart. Now, I've been suffering with depression for quite some time, but this was the worst it has ever been. During that breakup, my mom decided to get a divorce with my dad after thinking about it for a couple of years. During that time, my dad would blame me for the whole divorce and take his anger out on me. No, there was no abuse, just a lot of yelling and finger pointing. This went on throughout the whole summer until he left. Along with that, my best friend, which he shall remain unnamed, tried to use me and pretty much ruined our friendship. Yeah, the summer sucked. There is a lot more, but I won't bore you guys with that.

At the end of summer, around August twenty-second, I moved out of my house and into my dorm! It was quite exciting and scary at the same time. I didn't know if I was going to like my roommate. I didn't know if I'd make any friends. I had NO idea how classes were going to go and if my major was the major I wanted to stick with (which I found out it wasn't and changed it.) I was absolutely terrified. I only had one good friend from High School that was going to the same College as me. I honestly thought he was going to be my only friend.
BUT. I was completely wrong! Which is a good thing. I became friends with his roommate and a lot of people on his floor. It was great, and kind of weird since I never had that many friends in High School.
Here are some lovely photos of some of us. Not the whole gang, but whatever!

A couple of weeks after meeting everyone on my friend's floor, I came over one day to see someone new in our group, playing Never Have I Ever with all of them. I joined in on the game, and noticed all of the times that he would look over at me. Of course I would look back and smile at him, I thought he was quite the cutie! After the game, we formally introduced ourselves. His name is Bryan. At some point during the game, we mentioned something about Instagram, so I asked him what his was and told him he should follow me! (Yay self promotion!) We followed each other and he found me on Twitter, and I found him on FaceBook. The next day he messaged me on FaceBook and asked me if I'd like to get lunch with him. I accepted of course! After that, things started to get more serious between us. We told each other really personal things that we would never tell anyone else as quickly. And soon, we were officially dating!

I met his friends, and he met mine. And thank God they like my craziness. Actually.. Thank God HE likes my craziness. He is seriously the sweetest guy you'll ever meet. He is so kind and caring, and he puts others before himself. We've been together since the beginning of the semester, and it's just great! He is totally what makes this year great for me.
(ignore how red it is around them, this was two weeks after I got them and bandaids hate my skin)
Around the end of September, I decided to get a piercing kind of on a whim. I didn't think much of it at the time other than the fact that I've always wanted these. I didn't think about how my parents or friends would feel about it. I just did it. Yes, those things you see on my hips are the piercings I got. For those of you who don't know, these are dermals. I would go into detail about them, but I'll save that for a later day. I absolutely love these and I'm glad I did get them, even though my parents HATE them.
In November I celebrated my nineteenth birthday. I didn't do much other than hang out with my boyfriend and friends. I also froze my ass off every time I went outside due to the fact I was wearing a dress that was made for Summer time. I like it though, and it was my Birthday, so I sucked it up. I did get a lot of weird looks though since it was snowing. Hah.
Late in November, I finally got a Mac! Yay! I've always wanted one but never needed it until now thanks to my major. I love this computer so much, it's my baby! I seriously take it everywhere with me.
Just a couple of weeks ago, I finally decided to do something different with my hair. I usually never get my hair cut because I hate it, but I wanted something a little different. I've been thinking about getting bangs for a while, but I never got them because I thought I'd look terrible with them. Well, this haircut proved me wrong. I think I look quite good with these bangs (which are super uneven cause my hairdresser sucks!) I love my bangs, but hate them at the same time since there are so many long strands that my hairdresser missed. Looks like I need to fix that myself.
And finally, the last thing from this year that I want to add in here is THIS. I finally got the Naked Palette! After years of wanting this, my dad finally got it for me as an early Christmas present. I love this palette and I can see why many people talk about how great it is! It is absolutely stunning in my opinion, and great for me since I always use neutral colors when I wear eyeshadow.
So, that's all I have for you guys! I've shared the worst, but best year with you guys! I hope you all enjoyed reading this. Here's to a new, and hopefully, GREAT New Year! Have a terrific day!