Hello everyone! Today I decided to tell all of you about my dermals that I got about four and a half months ago. I get questions all the time from friends and even complete strangers, so I decided to make this post to help answer their questions and even yours if you are interested in them!
(this is a photo of my dermals the day I got them done)
So, some basic information about my dermals. I got them on my hips (as you can see from the above photo) on September 23, 2013. At the time, I wanted hip dermals for over a year and I contemplated whether or not I should get them so many times that I swear my mom wanted to strangle me since I kept bringing them up everyday. On the day I got them, I'll be completely honest with you guys, I didn't think it through all that much. All I knew is that I was thinking about getting them for a while now, I'm in a tattoo and piercing shop, so why the hell not? I did ask them how long they've been piercing and all the questions that (i think) you should ask when getting a piercing, and they sounded pretty good, so I went for it. Overall, it took no longer than 5 minutes to do. When it was finished, I was so freaking happy and excited, but at the same time I was like.... Did I really just do that? OMG! OMG! OMG! I was quite shocked that I did it, but overall I'm happy I decided to go for it. They seem to be doing great (knock on wood) and I can't wait to show them off even more in the summer!
Frequently asked questions:
1. How much did it hurt? This is the one question I get the most and to be honest... It didn't really hurt all that much for me. On a scale of 1-10, I would say about a 4 or 5. I honestly think that my belly button hurt more for me, but I can't remember it all that well since I've had it for three years now. But just because it wasn't all that bad for me, doesn't mean it will be the same for you. People have higher or lower pain tolerances than others. It all depends on you and how good you are with pain. I'm perfectly fine with pain, so therefore it didn't bother me much.
2. How do they do it?/ How does it stay in? This is another question that I get asked so much. It's a close call with this one and how much it hurt as to which gets asked more. The simplest way I can describe is that first they massage the skin so it isn't as tight and tense, then they poke/punch a hole into your skin with a dermal punch where you want the dermal, kind of lift the skin so the can insert the anchor (which is the part that goes into your skin and holds the piercing in place) into your skin, and then they screw on the top piece. I'll put in a little diagram so that you can see more how it's done.

3. Why would you want to get this type of piercing done? I love piercings. It's as simple as that. I've wanted to get these for a while now, so I went for it. I think they are cute and they look good on me.
4. But why would you destroy your body like that/ But it looks so trashy and slutty... Why? Honestly, I see nothing wrong with dermals or where I got them. I do NOT believe that by getting these I'm destroying my body. It's not permanent like a tattoo or scarification, and it's not like I got my nipples or whooha pierced. There is honestly nothing wrong with getting dermals on your hips. Sure, it is an unusual piercing, and that's all that's to it.
5. They don't last forever? That is correct. Dermals do not last forever. I know this and I'm hoping mine will last a very long time. (Four/five years-or more- will make me extremely happy.) I do realize that they will eventually reject and/or I will need to get them removed. But at the moment I'm not worried about that because they look fine.
6. They Reject? What is that? Rejection is when your body rejects the piercing, simple as that. There is a risk of rejection with every piercing you get. For some piercings, you body just may not like it and push it out. Also, different piercings have higher rates of rejections than others. For example, Dermals have higher risks than belly buttons and depending on where you place the dermal, that can have a higher risk as well. I've only had my cartilage reject on me (knock on wood.) My ear just doesn't like it.
7. How do you remove them if you don't want them anymore? In order to get them removed, I need to get them surgically removed. Unless someone or myself accidentally rips it out, surgical removal is the only way.
8. That sounds so painful! Why only that way? I honestly do not know why that's the only way, but if these last for a long time, then I'm fine with getting them removed that way.
9. Don't they snag and get caught on things a lot? They can, yes. Mine have never gotten caught on anything before and I never snag them. For me, I know they are there and I do NOT want to snag them cause I know it could be very painful and I could possibly rip them out. When I shower, I'm extra careful when I wash around them. As well as when I dry them and when I put my clothes on and take them off. There was one time when I ran into a door and hit the one. It hurt like a bitch.
10. How long does it take to heal? What's the healing process like? It takes anywhere from 2-3 months for them to fully heal. Depending on your body, it may take more or less time. For me, I felt like they were fully healed at the one month mark. For the healing process, they will place a bandaid on the piercings once they are in to keep them pushed down. Keep those on for as long as possible! I've read that if you shower the day you get them, you should keep the bandaids on. I didn't and things turned out to be fine. You should keep the bandaids on at night and when you sleep for at least one week, but I kept them on for two weeks just to make sure they were down and would stay down. They tell you to use saline solution when you clean the piercing and to do that 2-3 times a day. I used H2Ocean and I highly recommend that when cleaning a newly pierced piercing. That shit is amazing! I cleaned my piercing twice a day for about two months. (that's when my H2Ocean ran out.) Since I've ran out, now I only gently clean my piercings in the shower and pat them dry. MAKE SURE THEY ARE DRY.
(Three weeks after getting them pierced)
(My dermals as of today)
That is all the major questions I get asked. If you guys have anymore, you can go ahead and ask and I'll answer them as soon as possible! I hope you guys have a terrific day!
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