
Welcome To My Blog

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog!
I am Heather, 19 years young, and I live in the lovely state of Ohio. I'm currently in college and I'm studying Photo-Illustration, which is pretty much a fancier way of saying photography. I've been thinking about starting a blog for quite sometime now, but I've never gotten to it- I was either busy with school, family, friends and boyfriends, or just plain old lazy. But now, since I'm on winter break and I have quite a bit of time on my hands(a little more than a month), I've finally decided to stop putting this off and make my first blog post! Yay!
Now I will admit, my life is quite boring so I'm not going to blog too much about that, unless something interesting does happen. My blog will mainly be a lifestyle blog about pretty much anything I feel like blogging about- and that could be from talking about makeup, fashion, and what I'm liking at the moment to piercings and trips (if I go on any) and college life. I'm not going to blog daily, but I'm also not going to have a set schedule for when I blog-mainly because i'm terrible at sticking to a schedule. So, you may see multiple posts from me in a week, or you may see one or none at all.
With that being said, I hope you guys will enjoy my blog and there are more posts to come, I promise!


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