
Life's Snapshots- Instagram #2

Monday, September 29, 2014

Guys, I did the one thing I said I'd never do... I cut my hair off! I miss my hair so much, but I don't think it looks horrible. So that's a plus!

I love this photo so much. I wish it didn't come out blurry!

This dog acted like a tough guy, but really he was the sweetest thing ever. I wanted to steal him.

First week back at school. Don't ask me what I'm doing with my arm.

My boyfriend and I loved these birds, they reminded us of us.

A throwback photo to earlier in the summer.


My boyfriend and I at this event our school has called the black squirrel festival.

I like taking photos of flowers. I think I may have a problem. Hah.

I got my nose pierced you guys! I was thinking about doing it for a while, but didn't have the guts to go downtown on my own. My boyfriend went with me last week and he even got his ears pierced! 


I love annoying my boyfriend while he is trying to do homework.

Last Wednesday was our one year anniversary! I woke up to these beside the bed. I have the best boyfriend you guys.  Best day of the week for sure!

Throwback Wednesday photo with a really long, mushy gushy caption that I won't bother you guys with. Haha.

We went to the Cheesecake Factory for our anniversary dinner! I've never been there before, but I've been wanting to go for a while now. He remembered that I said that and took me! It was SO.GOOD.! I highly recommend going if you haven't been there before!

Then last Thursday there were Therapy Dogs at my friend's dorm, so I made him go with me to see them. I love dogs so much and this was the second best day of the week.

Well, that's all the photos I have for now. I hope you guys enjoyed seeing some photos from the past six weeks of my life!


Autumn Tag 2014

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Hello everyone! Today I have an Autumn Tag for you all! (made by Georgina) I absolutely love Autumn and since it's September now, I figured why not do an Autumn Tag? I hope you all enjoy and give it a go too!

1.  Ok we're talking coffee's - what's your favourite seasonal drink from Starbucks/Costa/Cafe Nero etc?
I don't really get seasonal drinks at Starbucks all that often. I have tried their pumpkin spiced latte before, but I wouldn't say it's my favorite. I always get a double chocolate chip frappuccino or a mocha cookie crumble frappuccino.

2.  Accessories - what do you opt for, scarf, boots, gloves?
I LOVE boots. I wear them as soon as it starts getting colder out (like today-i finally got to wear my boots!) and I'll wear them until it starts getting hot out again. I also like scarves, but definitely not as much as boots!

3.  Music - what's your favourite music to listen to during Autumn?
I don't really have a favorite type of music specifically for Autumn. I listen to the same stuff I always do. Except for Halloween, then I'll listen to Halloween music.

4.  Perfume - what's your favourite scent for this time of year?
I love wearing the same perfume all the time (I don't like to change it up TOO much) and right now it's Victoria Secret's Midnight Exotics in the scent Sensual Jasmine. However, it is more Summer-y smelling, so I may change it to Forever Red by Bath and Body Works, or Twilight woods by Bath and Body Works. Not sure yet!

5.  Candles - what scents will you be burning this season?
My favorite candle scents are definitely Autumn-y scents, like apples and pumpkins!

6.  What do you love most about Autumn?
I LOVE the weather! It's not too cold, but not too hot either. Which means boots and all the cute fall clothing! 
It's the perfect temperature for me!
I also love going on hay rides and going to pumpkin patches and getting a pumpkin that I can carve!
Speaking of carving pumpkins, I love Halloween and all the spookiness that comes with it!
Oh! And my birthday is in November!
I think that's all I love about Autumn,

7.  Favourite makeup look?
I don't change up my makeup look during Autumn. I always do the same thing- foundation, powder, eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara and maybe a dark red/purple-y lip stick when I'm in the mood.

8.  What are you looking forward to most in Autumn?
Strangely, I'm really looking forward to my birthday this year! I have no idea why, I never do anything for it and I always get my presents early, but I'm super excited for it this year!

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend! 

Things About Fall That I'm Looking Forward To

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Hello everyone! Today I have a post that I decided to do from Gracie's aka Girl Meets Life September Blogging Challenge.  She has a lot of great post ideas, so you'll see me doing some of them throughout this month! So, onto the things I'm most looking forward to about fall! I hope you all enjoy!

1. Sweaters- They are cute, soft, warm, and comfortable. And you can make really cute outfits with them as well!

2. Boots- I only wear sandals and boots throughout the whole entire year. Sandals in the summer, boots in the fall. So needless to say I'm ready to start wearing my boots again.

3. Halloween- I love everything about Halloween. Dressing up, decorating, seeing all the creepy decorations and haunted houses and all that fun stuff. I can't wait to see what my boyfriend and I decide to dress up as this year! I'm pretty sure Halloween is my favorite Holiday!

4. Pumpkin, Apple, and Cinnamon flavored/scented things- Pumpkin Pie, Apple Pie, Pumpkin Spice Lattes, Pumpkin/apple/cinnamon candles, etc. I LOVE ALL OF IT! 

5. Pumpkin Carving- Simple as that, I love carving out pumpkins. Even if they don't look that great!

Birthday Selfies For Days!
6. My Birthday!- My Birthday is in November and even though I never really do anything that exciting and I always get my presents early (I don't like surprises and I'm not patient), I'm always super excited about it! And this year I'm turning the big 20. Woot!

What are you guys most looking forward to about fall? 
I hope you all have a great weekend! 


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