
Some Wonderful Facts About Me

Friday, January 24, 2014

Hello everyone! Today I decided to make a post with some things about me since I don't think you guys know all that much about me! I post blogposts, but I never really tell you guys about me. Soooo, with that being said, I give you..... SOME WONDERFUL FACTS ABOUT ME!

1. I am absolutely terrified of planes. I refuse to fly in one.
2. Even thought I'm afraid of planes, I want to travel the world and take a ton of awesome photos.
3. I really want to move to London, or someplace close to London.
4. I'm the HUGEST procrastinator ever. Especially when it comes to school work. (I swear I'm not making this blog post right now to avoid an online quiz as long as possible)
5. I hated High School and Middle School. Mainly cause of the school work, but also cause I was bullied through all of Middle School and some of High School.

6. However I love College and this semesters work isn't terrible.
7. I cannot do Public Speeches, they scare the shit out of me, but I have to do three this semester because of the class I'm in.
8. I suffer with anxiety and depression.
9. I get stressed and panic at the smallest things that happen. I'm always a nervous wreck.
10. I REFUSE to take any type of medication unless it is ABSOLUTELY needed.

11. I am absolutely OBSESSED with Pugs. I'm planning on getting at least two and I already know what I'm going to name them.
12. Oh! My Pugs will also be in my wedding whenever I get married. (yes, I know, I have a problem)
13. I'm pretty sure I'm going to become a crazy Pug lady... Because I am pretty much already one.
14. I take photos of pretty much everything. I'm obsessed with taking photos.
15. I plan on traveling the world for photography and/or opening my very own studio.

16. I'm pretty sure I'm an introvert. I don't like being around a lot of people.
17. Being around too many people stresses me out and makes me panic.
18. I wear short dresses with no tights or leggings in the middle of winter quite often.
19. I like animals more than I like humans a majority of the time.
20. I'm a HUGE camera whore. Seriously, I take WAY too many photos of myself. Daily.

21. I'm more of a makeup girl than a clothing/shoe girl.
22. I'm slowly building up my makeup collection, even though I know I have too much to begin with.
23. I have a money problem. When I have it, I spend it all right away. When I don't, I still spend it.
24. I can NOT wear tennis shoes. They make me bleed. No joke.
25. I only wear boots, sandals, and wedges.

(my boyfriend says this is how I view makeup sales. Hah.)
26. I have nine piercings (and wanting more) but I only wear three of them at all times.
27. I used to want a bunch of tattoos, but no longer do.
28. I want to model, but I feel like I'm too short to model for anyone. (5 feet exactly)
29. I want to join the equestrian team at my campus even though I've never ridden a horse before.
30. I hate doing things by myself.

I think that is all for now. I hope you guys have a great night!


"I'm Not Good Enough."

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Hello everyone! I'm sure many of us have thought to ourselves before that we aren't "good enough." Whether that is because of family issues, relationships, or just people making rude comments about you, I'm positive that we've all felt shitty about ourselves at one point. People like to bring other people down to make themselves feel better about themselves, it's how it seems to work in this lovely world of ours. But let me tell you guys something, you ARE good enough. Trust me on this.
If you feel this way because of family issues, STOP. I've been there before, but nothing that's going on is your fault, trust me. Your family loves you to death, they are just going through a hard time right now. You didn't do anything wrong, even if someone blames you for something. It's a stressful time for you family right now most likely and they don't realize they are pointing fingers. They wouldn't be better off without you, hell, they'd be miserable without you in their lives. People say things that they don't mean when they are mad, stressed, upset, or going through a hard time. Your family is number one in your life, and you are number one in theirs. Talk to them about what's bothering you and tell them that they are making you upset cause chances are, they don't realize it.
Now, if you are feeling this way because of a boyfriend/girlfriend, you need to get out of that relationship of yours. ASAP. I've also been here before, multiple times. Pretty much all of my past boyfriends were shitty to me, but I stayed with them because I thought I "loved" them... More like I just liked the thought of being in a relationship at that time, even though they made me upset daily. I've been called names before (ex: crazy, stupid, annoying, etc.) and I've been told that I overreact to everything (which trust me boys, isn't the smartest thing to say to a girl.) I've also been told that I should get breast implants if I felt so bad about my body instead of being told that my body is perfectly fine to them and I don't need to change myself for them. I've been ignored for days and I've hid my makeupless face from them for the fear of what they would say to me. You guys, this isn't healthy. You should feel good about yourself, not like you should change everything about you for this one guy/girl. There are other fish in the sea who, trust me, will make you feel WAY better and happy in a relationship than the dickhead/bitch you are currently (or were) in a relationship with. You deserve better than this, and there are better people out there!
Finally, to those of you who feel this way about the rude things people say to you... Who the hell cares what they think? I know it's hard to just ignore the rude things people say about you or your body, but they aren't what matters. Their opinions aren't what matters. You know who's opinion matters? Yours. And if you really care about other's opinions, then your friends (your true ones) and your family and significant other should be all that matters to you (and trust me, they most likely think you are perfectly fine the way you are.) I've been in this boat before, caring about what others said about me and my body and getting upset by it, even though I wasn't even friends with these people. All throughout Middle School, and occasionally in High School, the one thing people would say to me quite often that made me EXTREMELY upset was about how my lovely boobies weren't big enough. Why I cared about what they thought of my boobies, I don't know. I now realize though... Who gives a shit what you think? It's my body, and I love it. Fuck off you douche canoe! My boobies and I don't care what you think! Suck it!
So you guys, please don't think you aren't good enough, because you are good enough. Those jerks who call you names and make fun of you in school are the types of people who you don't need in your life. They are bullies and they like to bring people down. Show them whose boss and don't be affected by what they say. Show them that you aren't any of the things they say you are! You are a beautiful, perfect person, inside and out!
I hope you guys all have a fantastic day, and please, please, PLEASE, don't think you're not good enough. You are a perfect little butterfly! And those who bring you down are little, teeny, tiny...Actually, they are HUGE douche canoes. Don't listen to them!

The Tragic Mac Incident

Friday, January 17, 2014

Hello everyone! As many of you know (If you've read my Look Back on 2013 post) I just got a Mac in the beginning of December. I love my Mac to death and I seriously can't go ANYWHERE without it. It's my baby and I'm so protective over it! However, even though I love my Mac to death, I couldn't protect it from what was about to happen about a month ago.
About a month ago is when this tragic incident occurred. I was sitting on my mom's couch with my Mac on the coffee table just watching a stream (Yes, I watch streams. Specifically the Zeldathon.) Now, I always put my Mac on the coffee table to watch this stream, which occurs twice a year for five days straight, and nothing has ever happened before. However, on this day, my older sister decided to pour herself a HUGE ASS glass of Kool-Aid and put it down on the coffee table... Right behind my mom's open laptop. My mom always leaves her computer open if she's getting off of it and will go back on shortly after. And well.. That day she had it open and didn't see the glass behind it. She went to pick up her laptop and by doing that, the screen hit my sisters glass and knocked it over. 
Did I mention she drank like... Nothing out of it so it was pretty much full? I didn't? Oh. Well. Now you know.
As soon as that glass got knocked over and all of the Kool-Aid spilled all over the table, it was like slow motion to me. I couldn't grab my laptop quickly enough to make sure nothing got in it. By the time I grabbed it to make sure as little as possible got in it, the screen wigged out and then the computer shut down. I was DEVASTATED. I sat there, crying may I add, trying to turn it back on... But it just wouldn't turn on. I was so angry and sad at the same time. Like I said earlier, this Mac is like my baby and I never thought anything like this would happen.. Especially since I've only had it for a little over a month. I freaked out on my mom and sister (Which I apologized for after the fact.) We couldn't afford a new one since my parents just got a divorce, and I didn't want a new one. I wanted this one. My baby.
So, in order to try and save my Mac, we dried off the outside as much as possible. However, every time we moved it, liquid would come out of the machine. This is when we decided to do something that we probably shouldn't have done since we didn't know if Apple would fix it if we did. We took off the back of the computer and there was Kool-Aid everywhere. My mom gave me some paper towels and told my to dry up as much of it as possible while she would get some rice ready. After I dried it up, we put it in rice for about an hour. (I took it out after only and hour because I read that you shouldn't put Macs in rice due to all the parts.) We left the back off of it so it could air out for probably two to three hours until I couldn't take it anymore and wanted to see if it would turn on....
And it did. I was so happy and I couldn't believe it! I thought for sure my Mac was done for. I did want to make sure it was at it's best and nothing would happen down the road though, so I took it to my Apple Store. This is the part of the incident that makes me so mad, even just thinking about it.. GRRRR. 
Like I said, I took my Mac into the Apple store and was feeling great! I thought "Hey. It turns on, it charges. It shouldn't cost that much to fix if it needs to be fixed!" Man.. Was I wrong... When I got there, the guy at the Genius Bar asked about what happened and I told him about spilling Kool-Aid into it. He took my Mac back to look on the inside, came back out and said there was a lot of sticky residue on the inside (No duh. It was Kool-Aid you dumb ass) and said that if I don't get it cleaned out, the sugar will corrode the wires and all and my computer will eventually die. I understood that and agreed one hundred percent with him, but I did NOT agree with the price he gave me and Apple's dumb ass logic. He told me that just to clean the inside, no replacing any parts were needed, it would cost me 1,200 DOLLARS.
Side note: I paid about 1,600 dollars for my Mac
Needless to say... I WAS PISSED. I told the guy (more like flipped out on him) how that was pretty much how much I paid for my Mac to begin with and that I've only had it for a month. I told him that that was a completely RIDICULOUS price to charge for something that should only cost, say... 50 bucks tops. He told me my current model is still up on their website and I could just buy that one. I DON'T WANT A NEW ONE YOU FREAKING DICK, I AM NOT RICH. He also said that since it's the most common accident that happens, it's the most expensive.
Okay, I get they are a business and you know.... Businesses try their best to make as much money as possible.. But seriously? You are going to overcharge for something like that? Oooooh this is making me so mad just typing this.

Anyways, after he told me the price I obviously left the store with my Mac and tried finding some place else that would fix it for me for a lot less. I posted on Facebook asking my friends where I could take it, and a family friend of mine told me to try and take it to the Tech Spot at my College. 
Now, this was about... Two to three weeks before I could go back to my dorm and I really did not want to wait that long, so I kept looking and I found nothing. This is when I decided that I would risk waiting those two to three weeks and take it to the Tech Spot. I got back to my College this week and took it straight there (I was emailing them all break) and told them to do what they needed to do to fix my baby.
They had it for two and a half days, and those days were possibly the most torturous and stressful days ever. All I could think about was my Mac. Were they going to be able to fix it? Was the damage worse than I thought? What if it dies on them? Omg. Omg. Omg.
Yeah, it sucked. Not to mention I pretty much live on my computer and I didn't have one for two and a half days. 
Good news and bad news came to me the night of the second day they had it. The manger called me to keep me updated on the progress. 
The good news was that they cleaned every single piece of my Mac and the damage wasn't all that bad. Oh, and the stickers that turn red to indicate water damage weren't red.
The bad news was that sometimes when they turned the computer on, it would beep which indicates that there is no RAM in it. Which obviously there was.
The manager told me they could ship it to Apple and that they would fix it for free it they saw no water damage. Let's just say I wasn't too happy with the idea. I asked the manager if he could do anything about it so I wouldn't be without my Mac for another three days since I need it for classes. He told me he would continue working on it throughout the night and told me they would call me the next day if he could figure it out. I was happy and nervous after we hung up and was glued to my phone until the next day.
The next day they did call me, but I was in class so I couldn't answer. I was so scared, I didn't know what to expect until I listened to the voicemail. Once I listened to it, it was like weights were lifted off of me. I could pick up my Mac that day and it was only going to cost me 50 BUCKS. 
I was so happy and I told them that I officially loved them. They are my freaking heros man!
Now i just want to go back to the guy and freaking attack him for charging me such a ridiculous price, but I won't. My baby is fixed and that's all that matters to me.
That's pretty much the end of what happened to my Mac. I'm currently typing away on it and it's perfectly fine (knock on wood.) I still have my baby and it isn't going ANYWHERE near a glass of Kool-Aid again. 
I hope you guys have a fantastic day, and keep your Macs away from Kool-Aid!


First Semester Of College

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

(Yay ucky dorm lighting and phone photo!)

Hello everyone! I have some time in between my classes today, so I decided to make a blog post for you guys! 
As many of you know, I am currently going to college. I'm in my second semester of my freshman year right now and let me tell you... Last semester wasn't so great for me. I struggled a lot last semester and was pretty much miserable in all of my classes. I did not like a single one (except for my college writing course.) I thought that I would love all of my classes since they were all related to my major at the time, but I soon found out that I was not as passionate about my major as all the other people were. My major last semester was Fine Arts, and I honestly thought that was what I wanted to stick with since I LOVE drawing. However, I soon found out that I wasn't that passionate about it, I didn't love it THAT much that I wanted to do it as a career for the rest of my life. 
Due to the fact that I did not like all except one of my classes, my grades dropped severely and I'm currently on Academic Probation. I've never failed a class before, heck.. I've never gotten a D before. But last semester, I failed a class, got a D in another, and the others I got a C in. The only class I got a SUPER good grade in was my college writing course, and I got a B+ in that. I also dropped two courses last semester since I honestly couldn't stand them. Because of all of this, my GPA wasn't that great, of course. I got about a 1.8, and I wasn't happy about it. At all. In High School, like I said before, I never failed a class. I got As and Bs in every class, with an occasional C depending on the class. My GPA in High School was always AT LEAST a 3.00. 
Now, you guys are probably wondering "Heather, what the hell happened?" and to answer you... I honestly have no idea. I think part of it is because I wasn't happy with any of the classes I was taking. I wasn't happy with my major. All of this just wasn't what I expected. I also think some of it is due to the fact that I lived with my parents for 18 years before I came to college and now I'm on my own. I have no one to tell me to get up and go to class, and no one to tell me to do my homework. It's all new to me, and I think I took the wrong path last semester.
However, things do seem to be looking up this semester.
A little more than halfway through last semester, I decided to change my major for this current semester. I've always loved Photography and I'm always taking pictures no matter where I go. It's something that really interests me and something I really love. WAY MORE THAN DRAWING. 
So... I decided to meet with my current advisor last semester. I asked him about the Photo-Illustration major and if it was basically a fancier way of saying "Photography" and he told me yes. He told me about all the courses I need to take, as well as all the technology I would need if I switched majors. I looked over the courses and immediately got excited. I felt how I think I should've felt when I first choose Fine Arts as a major. I felt passion, and I still do (even thought it's the first week back-I'll keep you guys updated.) I found all of the courses interesting, and I immediately thought "Yes. This is it. This is what I'm truly passionate about." 
I told my advisor to give me some time to talk to my mom about all technology requirements (since it is quite pricey) and he was perfectly fine with it. I called my right after my meeting and asked her if it'd be okay, and she was completely fine with it. She knew it's what I truly wanted to do, so she told me to go for it. So, the next day I went online and officially changed my major to Photo-Illustration. I couldn't have been happier!
So, with this new semester just starting, I'm being way more organized and serious about College. I write down every assignment right away, I take notes (yes, there are notes the first week back,) I am focussing and not waiting until the last second to do my homework. I'm getting things done right away and I don't feel stressed out at all. I feel happy with my choice of changing my major. I'm honestly so glad I did it and I love every single one of my classes so far. I'm hoping this feeling of.. Relief? Will stay with me and I'll continue staying on track this semester so I can achieve my New Year Resolution of getting straight As this semester. And so I can get off Academic Probation of course.
I am honestly so disappointed with myself for last semester but hey, you've got to learn from your mistakes. I think I've definitely learned from my mistakes and I hope this semester will be WAY better than last semester.
So, that's all I have for today guys. I hope you all have a fantastic day and if you are in College, don't do the stupid mistakes I did. Trust me, it feels terrible. 


Resolutions for the New Year

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Hello everyone! I know this is a bit late, but I decided to make a post of my New Year Resolutions. I don't know why I make these since I usually never do them, but this year I'm determined!
This year I have THREE resolutions, and these being:

1. FOCUS MORE ON SCHOOL WORK. Since I'm in College now, grades are SUPER important and well.. Last semester I kind of slacked and did not get the grades I wanted. So this semester, I'm hoping to study more and get straight As to make up for this past semester. This is the big resolution that I want to keep.

2. GET A JOB AND SAVE MONEY. Recently, I've been wanting to buy SOOOOOO much stuff and I don't have the money to do that. I don't want to use my school's refund money since I need all of it for school supplies this semester. So in order to fulfill my girly needs of buying make up, clothes, skin care products, and so on... I NEED TO GET A JOB. 

3. BE HAPPY. I'm pretty sure everyone wants to be happy and enjoy their life, so I don't think I need to explain this one too much. I just want to be happy, succeed, and make sure everyone around me is happy as well.

These are my three New Year Resolutions that I'm hoping I will keep for this year! I hope all of you have a fantastic day! Happy (Belated) New Year!


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